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The 134th Canton Fair GTL Report


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The 134th Canton Fair GTL Report

  • 2023-10-20

1. What is Canton Fair?

The China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair. It is held every spring and autumn in Guangzhou, China. The event is co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of PRC and the Peoples Government of Guangdong Province. It is organized by China Foreign Trade Centre. The Canton Fair is the pinnacle of international trade events, boasting an impressive history and staggering scale. Exhibiting a vast array of products, it attracts buyers from all over the world and has generated immense business dealings in China.The enormous size and scope of the Canton Fair is a biannual event for almost everything import and export with China. More than 25000 exhibitors come from all over the world to attend this twice-yearly market in Guangzhou that has been going on since 1957.

2.When and where

The China Canton Fair is held twice a year, divided into two stages: spring and autumn. The Spring Canton Fair is usually held in April, while the Autumn Canton Fair is usually held in October. The 2023 Autumn Canton Fair will be held from October 15th to November 4th at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou.

3. Why participate in the 2023 Autumn Canton Fair?

Participating in the Canton Fair offers many advantages to businesses seeking to expand their horizons, make valuable contacts and learn about cutting-edge industry developments. It is a dynamic and collaborative platform with numerous advantages.

Business Diversification: As one of the world's top trade fairs, the China Canton Fair attracts global buyers and sellers. This event provides sellers with an excellent opportunity to showcase their goods and services, opening the door to a new customer base. And buyers can get rich product and supplier resources at one time.

Market Intelligence: The Canton Fair brings together different products and industries to provide participants with a panoramic view of market dynamics, competitors and untapped potential of emerging markets. This intelligence is invaluable and can guide businesses to make informed decisions and strategic product positioning.

Government Support: It is worth noting that selected companies participating in the Canton Fair may enjoy support from government initiatives. Because their participation promotes international trade and enhances the economic strength of the country.

All in all, the Canton Fair goes beyond mere participation; it symbolizes the gateway to global commerce and the cornerstone of smart and productive business activities. As a professional Chinese sourcing agent, we participate in the Canton Fair every year and have established many new customers and have stable cooperation.

4. 2023 Autumn Canton Fair Navigation

(1) Canton Fair exhibition categories

The first phase: October 15-19, focusing on consumer electronics, household products, machinery and equipment, and industrial products. If you are interested in these product areas, this stage is a good opportunity to learn about the latest trends and communicate with suppliers.

The second phase: October 23-27, focusing on consumer goods such as textiles and clothing, gifts, and home decoration. If you have business needs in these areas, phase two will be your focus. We usually participate in the second phase, which is dedicated to the daily necessities field.

The third stage: from October 31st to November 4th, the exhibition focuses on food, medicine and health care, automobiles, office supplies and other fields. If you are related to these products, you can look for cooperation opportunities at this stage.

5. Carrying equipment

Bring comfortable walking shoes, power banks and universal adapters for your devices, laptops, etc. Don’t forget your business attire and of course, an open mind.

The 2023 Autumn Canton Fair is not only a grand event, but also an opportunity to develop your business. So, go for it, seize the opportunity, and make this trip to Guangzhou unforgettable.

This years Canton Fair will provide a better participation experience, showcase more highlights of Chinas advanced manufacturing , gather more international high-quality resources, and carefully prepare comprehensive one-stop services for global buyers.

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